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Pakistani Movie Actor in Law Trailer

Pakistani Movie Actor in Law Trailer

A Girl Put Whole Snake In Nose & Remove From Mouth - Waqar Zaka Show

In Waqar Zaka Show on Health Tv A girl try very dare task by puttinh a whole snake in her nose and remove the snake from mouth. This girl really very darefull because it is very dangerous task to do for everyone. In the below video you can see the whole demonstration of this drama. In the first girl little bit confused but after she got relaxed and she comleted her task in the live show on health tv.


 Watch Live Video of A Girl In Waqar Zaka Show

Rani Mukharji On Prophet PBUH SAW

Famous Bollywood Actress Rani Mukherji says that if she was in the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him period she will wash the foots and drink that water.All the indian media shocked by this shis amazing news.In the above video you can see the news Details.

News Sharif Flirted With Me In Plane - A Girl Shocking News

Choudri Amir Bushes Interior Minister Chousri Nisar on American Drone Atatck

Choudri Ayaz bushes the Pakistan Interior Minister Choudri Nisar Ali Khan on the recently Drone Attack by America. AMerica claimed they have killed the Mula Mansoor the leader of TTP the extremist group. But the news is not confirmed at this time. But America attacked the soverinity of Pakistan by recently Drone Attack. 

In a talk show on 92 News chousri ayaz criticize the Interior Minister on this Amrican Drone Attack. News just come in that Foreign Minister recored their protest on this drone attack.

You can watch in this video how choudri ayaz bushes and criticize the Choudri Nisar Ali Khan the Interior Mininster of Pkaistan. Because it arises a question Mark on the secuirity measures.


Live With Doctor Shahid Mashood 25 April-2016

Live With Doctor Shahid Mashood 25 April-2016


News Eye Talk Show 25 April-2016

News Eye Talk Show 25 April-2016